Texas License To Carry Training
Mark Gillespie has been a Texas LTC instructor for over 20 years. Contact Mark if you are interested in obtaining your LTC.
In case you didn’t know:
Requirements for obtaining a Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC)
Texas Government Code Chapter 411, Subchapter H sets out the eligibility criteria that must be met. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age (unless active duty military) and must meet Federal qualifications to purchase a handgun. A number of factors may make individuals ineligible to obtain a license, such as: felony convictions, some misdemeanor convictions, including charges that resulted in probation or deferred adjudication; certain pending criminal charges; chemical or alcohol dependency; certain types of psychological diagnoses, and protective or restraining orders. The state eligibility requirements can be found in GC §411.172. The federal firearms disqualifiers can be found in 18 USC 44 §922.
You must also submit a completed application, pay the required fees, complete all required training and submit required supplemental forms and materials.
How to apply for a Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC)
Applicants for an original (first-time) LTC should submit an online application, and schedule an appointment for fingerprinting. Applicants must also complete four to six hours of classroom training, pass a written examination and pass a proficiency demonstration (shooting).
Benefits of having a License to Carry in Texas
Victoria Kogan, Shady Oaks Gun Range, Cedar park, TX, June 25, 2021
Michael Richey, Concealed Carry in Texas Blog, May 23 2024
The Firearm Carry Act of 2021, commonly called “Constitutional (or “Open”) Carry” but more accurately defined as “Permit-less Carry” went into effect on September 1, 2021. As a result, many people ask if there are any benefits through having a License to Carry (LTC) over Open Carry (Constitutional Carry).
Texas LTC will grant Reciprocity to carry in other states that have reciprocity agreements with Texas. Constitutional/permitless carry, on the other hand, is not recognized across state lines, even in other constitutional carry states, without meeting their specific requirements.
Texas LTC allows an accessible handgun in your vehicle while dropping off/picking up at a school. However, Constitutional Carry would be prohibited from having a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school per the Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act.
School district employees who have been issued a Texas LTC have protections which allow them to keep a firearm and ammunition concealed in their locked motor vehicle in a school parking lot. This protection is not available to Constitutional Carry.
Texas LTC provides legal exemption to the NICS background check when purchasing a firearm from an FFL. Constitutional Carry would still be subject to a background check delay.
An individual must be at least 21 years old to take advantage of Constitutional Carry. However, military members between the ages of 18-20 are eligible for Texas LTC which would allow them to lawfully carry a handgun in public.
Private property owners may choose to prohibit Constitutional Carry on their property by posting effective notice under Penal Code 30.05 and thereby prevent unlicensed individuals from carrying on their property. This exclusion would not apply to those who hold a valid Texas LTC.
Constitutional Carry is statutorily prohibited at hospitals, nursing facilities, and amusement parks. However, a Texas LTC holder is only prohibited in these places if effective notice has been provided under Penal Code 30.06 and 30.07.
A Texas LTC holder will be allowed to carry at an open meeting of a governmental entity. Constitutional Carry at an open meeting of a governmental entity would continue to be prohibited.
The statutory prohibition against carrying a handgun into a bar does not apply to a Texas LTC holder unless the bar has posted a 51% sign in accordance with the law.
A Texas LTC holder retains their ability to avoid arrest in the event they inadvertently have a firearm through a secured area of an airport as long as they promptly depart the secured area when notified they are in possession of a handgun. Constitutional Carry is given no such courtesy and may be charged with a felony.
Having a Texas LTC facilitates simpler interactions with Law Enforcement if you are pulled over and have an accessible firearm.
Military Members: Individuals aged 18-20 who are military members can obtain an LTC, allowing them to legally carry in public.
No Gun Signs: LTC holders can carry past certain “no gun” signs and must be given the opportunity to leave before facing legal consequences. Permitless carriers can be cited or fined immediately.​

Send email to mark@gillespieinvestigations.com to schedule this training.